
KY Medicaid Facts & Toolkit

Balanced Health Kentucky’s resources are available to the public to educate citizens of the potential solutions to the projected shortfalls in the state’s Medicaid budget.

Federal law recognizes 18 healthcare categories of providers that make up Kentucky’s healthcare economy. Each of these categories can participate in paying into the state’s Medicaid program.

Balanced Health Kentucky does not take a position as to which of the 18 categories to include or at what rate any category should be taxed; only that the 18 categories are available for review by the General Assembly. We do believe that the base should be as broad as possible with a rate as low as possible in order that one category is not overburdened and to meet the fiscal challenges facing Kentucky.

For its fiscal year ended June 30, 2017, Kentucky collected approximately $296 million in provider taxes from the following classes of providers of healthcare items and services:

The following documents are intended for anyone’s use to assist in explaining the projected shortfalls in Kentucky’s Medicaid budget and potential solutions moving forward.

Legal Summary

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Talking Points

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Budget Toolkit

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LRC Task Force on Tax Expenditures – Dec. 2018 (BHK included on page 29)

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